Mission statement

About Grasslands




The Area


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Grasslands Plantation is five and a half thousand acres on both sides of the Chester River, above Chestertown, on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Grasslands Plantation has research partnerships with the University of Maryland, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences and three other investigative units of conservation biology departments. Because of its size and diversity having a working farm on one half of its acreage and 90 acre lake within its boundaries, it has the potential to be a research

platform for a wide variety of ecology and wildlife preservation investigative studies, as well as a place to support demonstrations for community and teacher conservation ecology education. We plan to support academic field research and educational programs that will enhance the efforts of our partners to conserve and restore natural ecosystems throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Investigation as to the impact of commercial agriculture on the region's biologic diversity, and mechanisms to ameliorate this will be a major aspect of our work. We will also document the results of our ongoing efforts to learn best management techniques and succession realities of native grassland and wetland restoration.


1. To facilitate and foster the use of our lands for research, education, recreation, hunting and other activities as from time to time may determine is appropriate.
2. To continue to welcome, foster and pursue research programs and partnerships that advance and enhance the environmental stewardship of the property.
3. To actively pursue local, State and Federal programs that support and enhance programs of conservation and stewardship of the eco-system.
4. To retain the unique rural setting of the property that has existed in the past by strictly limiting all future development of the property in perpetuity.
5. To protect, restore and enhance the grasslands, forests, wetlands, waters and agricultural fields through rational research, conservation and use.
6. To promote, model and achieve excellence in the stewardship of the natural resources and eco-system.
7. To support the farming operations recognizing that the progressive agricultural practices can accomplish their goals but also minimize the deleterious effects of farming operations on the eco-system.

GPI will develop and market the concept of a conservation-based property to club members interested in living and participating in the development of a recreational community in an ecologically sensitive area. The challenge they accept is that of improving the habitat qualities for the natural aspects of the property, many species of which are threatened or endangered, while enjoying the lifestyle in the wilderness environment.

Grassland Plantations, Inc. / 841 McGinnes Road / Chestertown, Maryland 21620 / 410 778 3212
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