
Mission statement

About Grasslands




The Area


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Currently there are five ongoing research projects being conducted on Grasslands Plantation lands.

1. Chester River Field Research Center (CRFRC)
Habitat Restoration Dynamics
Director: Douglas E. Gill, Professor
Department of Biology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Telephone: (301) 405-6939
FAX: (301) 314-9358

2. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
Sub-lethal effects of agricultural pesticides on non target
Director: Katharine C. Parsons Ph.D

3. The Stroud Water Resources Center
Reparian Buffer Studies
Bern Sweeney Ph.D.

4. State of Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources
DelMarVa Bay flora and fauna census
Bob White Quail Population Studies
Peter Jayne
5. Ornithology
Bird banding studies
James Gruber
6. Washington College - Leslie Sherman
"fertalizer metabolite movement in soil"
and "the effect of various planting menus on this


Grassland Plantations, Inc. / 841 McGinnes Road / Chestertown, Maryland 21620 / 410 778 3212
  © Chesapeake Bay Internet Associates - 2002: All Rights Reserved.